Orthodontics is the perfect way to create an attractive smile, and although an orthodontic evaluation is usually best at around age eight, it is never too late to initiate treatment.
The benefits of orthodontics are many and the most obvious is a winning smile that can be achieved by aligning the natural teeth in an attractive position in the mouth. This also improves the contours of the face and boosts a person’s self esteem and confidence. If left untreated, misaligned teeth can be difficult to clean with subsequent gum problems and tooth decay and in some cases speech impairments. Jaw joint (TMJ) pain and associated headaches can sometimes be attributed to crooked teeth and incorrect bites.
An orthodontic evaluation is usually the first step taken prior to planning treatment. The teeth, jaws joints, and the present bite are all taken into consideration.
- X-rays of the skull are taken, and accurate tracings are done to plot the correction of the bite.
- Diagnostic models of the teeth are obtained to evaluate how the teeth fit together.
- Photographs are also taken.
Orthodontic treatment is a long-term commitment, but the benefits of a healthy smile far outweigh the time involved in accomplishing the treatment.
9am - 6pm